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 For regular events and groups that we have through the week see our page Church Life

For all activities on  zoom logo  Contact us for links   

Development Work   work in progress sign
The long awaited development to our church building is scheduled to begin this week. We are doing what we can to mitigate against any disruption, but some disruption is inevitable and we ask you to extend us a little grace and patience over the next few months, as we navigate any changes. Please pray for safety for those on site, for peaceful relations during what is likely to be a stressful time, and for vision to use this new space creatively for God’s Kingdom. 

The church and Sunday school are following the 'Community Bible Experience'. We are following the Bible studies, videos  and joining in the activities and discussion activities. Further information can be had from Andrew.

We have started a new series, reflecting on some of the Old Testament prophets. This Sunday we are considering Jonah. On Andrew’s next couple of Sundays, we will be in Isaiah. Next week it will Isaiah 11.

This year our Harvest Sunday will be on September 29 th. 

 We will be joined by some of our Brownies,Guides and Rangers. The focus this year will be on the  BMS work in BangladeshThere will be an opportunity to donate to the work of the BMS. Harvest is also a time when people often want to make an offering of food.Any such donations will be given to Harrow Foodbank. 

BMS Trussel trust food bank suggestions harrow foodbank logo


This will be livestreamed on Facebook and uploaded later to You Tube 

Following the church service and the usual refreshments after the service there will be a time for church members to enjoy their own packed lunch or takeaway and then the formal Church members meeting. 

The next church lunch will be on Sunday 6 October. Please sign the list on the notice board if you would like to join us.

Tuesday to Friday morning the church is open for private prayer.    

hands in prayer .

Tuesdays starting at 10:15am  Coffee Morning 

Our coffee mornings raise funds for St Luke's Hospice.

  coffee   st Lukes Hospice 

Tuesdays 11:00 Prayer time in church and on zoom

  hands holding a warm mug   hands in prayer

Wednesdays 10:00 Young Ones Toddler Group 

Pictures from our end of term soft play party
. As the Church is having some major building work done on our  premises, the toddler group will remain closed for the next 3 or4 months

soft play 4

soft play 2toddlers soft play 1

Thursdays  11:00  Prayer time on Zoom

Friday from 6pm Brownies, Guides and Rangers   

Friday from 9:30 pm Street Pastors  

street pastors        harrow street pastors on patrol

  welcome from the tennis clubtennis club HBC

All through the week we have a  Tennis Club in Bonnersfield Lane , Harrow  HA1 2LE

Contact Keith Mayes through the church office or the  tennis club  Website 

Sunday 6th Oct Morning Worship, with communion, led by Pauline Curry.

We have a collection box for Harrow Foodbank. See the list in the foyer for items needed if you wish to bring gifts. 

food at Harrow food bank  harrow foodbank logo 


War memorials

Recently we had a visit from a team from the Imperial War Museum who wanted information about our war memorials. A link to their page can be found here