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 For regular events and groups that we have through the week see our page Church Life

For all activities on  zoom logo  Contact us for more information  or follow this link 

Our services are livestreamed to  You Tube 

Sunday 9th February   Morning worship, led by Revd Sue Whalley. Andrew is on sabbatical and we are grateful to Sue Whalley for leading our worship this week. Sue was our student minister for 3 years.  She is currently working towards establishing a ministry for the deaf. Her chosen scripture for today is Ecclesiastes 4: 8-12.

 We warmly welcome anyone from the deaf community to attend this service. 

Church Lunch, Sunday 9 February There will be a church lunch after worship  Please sign the list on the noticeboard in the foyer if you would like to join us.

Monday to Friday morning the church is open for private prayer.    

hands in prayer .

Tuesdays starting at 10:15am  Coffee Morning 

Our coffee mornings raise funds for St Luke's Hospice.

  coffee   st Lukes Hospice 

Tuesdays 11:00 Prayer time in church and on zoom

Wednesday  10:00 Young Ones Toddlers Group .We plan to reopen our weekly sessions after Easter – date to be confirmed

Wednesday, 8pm         Bible Study and prayer on Zoom.

Our Bible studies over the next few weeks, whilst Andrew is on sabbatical, will be led by Lin and Pauline. We will be studying the concept of a simpler lifestyle in Jesus from the book Stop and Stare by Nick Fawcett. 

   hands holding a warm mug   hands in prayer

The Thursday midweek prayer on Zoom will not take place during Andrew’s sabbatical.  It will resume on 3 April.

Friday from 6pm Brownies, Guides and Rangers    

Friday from 9:30 pm Street Pastors  

street pastors        harrow street pastors on patrol

Sunday 16th  10:30  am Morning worship led by Leanne Tan with Graham Sullivan preaching. Graham is from Brondesbury Baptist Church where our Centre Manager is Church Secretary. 

  welcome from the tennis clubtennis club HBC

All through the week we have a  Tennis Club in Bonnersfield Lane , Harrow  HA1 2LE

Contact Keith Mayes through the church office or the  tennis club  Website 

church members and friends enjoying Christmas lunch

We have a collection box for Harrow Foodbank. See the list in the foyer for items needed if you wish to bring gifts. 

food at Harrow food bank  harrow foodbank logo 


War memorials

Recently we had a visit from a team from the Imperial War Museum who wanted information about our war memorials. A link to their page can be found here