4 U
Poster of Praise and Music items from the Bible made by the children Bible study and discussion |
4U is a Bible Study and fellowship group. We come from a diverse range of backgrounds and nationalities and enjoy meeting and having fellowship together.
We meet once a month at the church following the service. After a shared lunch we meet in Room 4 which has easy chairs and where the morning creche is held. So we have plenty of toys for those with babies. There are activities organised for the children and young people.
We have Bible studies, films for discussion and other topics we can share and talk about within a Christian framework.
We aim to finish at around 2:30 pm.
At Christmas and in July we have a social with special food provided by the members.
Dates for 2024
28th January
25th February
March no meeting . We will enjoy our Church Easter activities.
21st April
19th May
23rd June
21st July
August - no meeting
15th September
27th October
24th November
15th December 4U and Sunday School Christmas party
Contact us for any information you require.